Earthquakes and thunders
Might be a comete collision due to the static electricity in the air on the 18th october 2018 this year of grace for me !
![Comete collision](/medias/images/comete-collision.jpg)
La restauration de la Syrie suivra à cette étape de la stratégie de la Coalition the No impact approach to the security 2 - To Hold and 3 - To Control all the territories of the islamic califate
Bon Apocalypse ! La Restauration promise et effective
2 - To Hold and 3 - To Control territories will secure the Syrian government and there will be no more reinforcments, it will secure from the ennemy by 4 - To Build secure and eco-responsible plants
![Resolution universelle de la loi naturelle](/medias/images/resolution-universelle-de-la-loi-naturelle.jpg)
It will secure from the ennemy, buy 4 - Building the economy into the Coalition strategy in order to fulfill environmental needs and human purveyance overtime. This is what I foreseek into the
The Commonwealth Resolution (55.37 Ko) processes.
See over this website for my duty workframe of analysis and resolution of the 16 problematical
Date de dernière mise à jour : 16/08/2018