Alliance avec tous les peuples, ceux qui sont près et ceux qui sont loin
The captivité of Baghdad, in Irak, from 2003 by the development of the strong hellenisation since 2001 911, awaiting of the accomplishment of the time accordingly
![6mp iraq 2](/medias/images/6mp-iraq-2-.gif)
![Mission sacerdotale royale](/medias/images/1k11-sec-sit030706.jpg)
The four nations post second world war related to the history of Daniel and the statue of the old kingdoms that dominated the gentles or the saints we became today in a hierarchy that evoke the histor
![the climatic changes and the illuminatis](/medias/images/1320073523-fcb1f083043f.jpg)
![8u4 cornes 4 peuples](/medias/images/8u4-cornes-4-peuples.jpg)
Gog to Magog, the farwest nations that will come base after their raise at the Heavenship from Jerusalem
![Peuple de la grande prophétie](/medias/images/9cimage031.jpg?fx=r_1200_800)
The strong hellenisation (from the 21th century) and the cause of the climat changes (not heat but water level) are the same : it bounces the sky to the ground in capting electrons and leaving protons
![10barrage hydroelectrique](/medias/images/10barrage-hydroelectrique.jpg)
The human factor has to be targeted in order to circumvent human activities (all thatn he constructed) but the reason was savy )with me) and the sacerdotal experiment good (willing but faithfullness i
![11effluvement urbain](/medias/images/11effluvement-urbain.jpg)
TImes of the Nations end before they cease to blame Israël for their defaults
![12temps des nations prophetie biblique](/medias/images/12temps-des-nations-prophetie-biblique.jpg)
The masonry logias from 1749 interstates secretly trough the United States of the America (Washington)
![Quadre de logia ap comp 1749](/medias/images/quadre-de-logia-ap.-comp.-1749.jpg)
THe temple of Satan, where are the two long wings of the antique Ouroboros (end by the carbon cycle)
The pyramid of the technology that underline the agendad of cooperationism trough the underground by the hand of the masonery
![4pyramid of technology](/medias/images/4pyramid-of-technology.jpg)
The freetrade of the humanmasonry and their actual existing relations
33 steps to get to the top of the under-social pyramidal down to reality with the CERNS that captures the result of the concentration oof protons : dark matters that contain stars into the ground so t
![3 5echellefm](/medias/images/3-5echellefm.gif)
À la fin, le peuple de Dieu (144 000) accomplira la promesse sacerdotale et l'Église catholique romaine se sanctifiera à la fin du temps aux nations, suite à la captivité hellénistique dans Son retour
- Nom du fichier : La prophétie
- Taille : 269.86 Ko
Date de dernière mise à jour : 09/07/2019